WordPress Configuration

These details pertain to the higher level Manual Configuration instructions. Please review that article and use the specific details obtained by the instructions below to finish connecting MarsEdit to your blog. How to get the API Endpoint URL The API Endpoint URL is usually https://[site]/xmlrpc.php, where [site] is the path to your site. If you […]

Manual Configuration

If MarsEdit fails to automatically detect your blog’s settings, you can configure it manually. Select the blog from the Blogs list in the main window. Choose the Blog > Edit Settings… menu item. Select the Connection tab within blog settings. The Connection tab of the blog’s settings contains the pertinent settings. The Blog Name and […]

Getting Started with MarsEdit

Setting up your blog When you first open MarsEdit, it will ask for details about your blog. If you want to add additional blogs, choose the File > New Blog… menu item. After you enter the name and URL of your blog’s home page, MarsEdit will usually figure out the rest of the settings it […]

WP-SpamShield Workaround

WP-SpamShield changes a default behavior of WordPress, which MarsEdit relies upon when connecting to your blog. Normally, if an incorrect or empty username and password are provided, WordPress responds with a request to prompt the user for a password. WP-SpamShield changes this behavior so that WordPress’s usual response is not delivered. To work around this […]

Common Connection Problems

A variety of issues can prevent MarsEdit from connecting to your blog. This page summarizes the most common issues, and details workarounds where they exist. Security-Related Connection Failures Many mysterious connection failures can be explained by security measures imposed either by the web hosting company where your blog is published, or by additional plugins designed […]

Two-Step Authentication

When two-step authentication is enabled for a blog, your primary password generally cannot be used to log in with MarsEdit. Instead, you need to configure a special password, usually called an “application password,” which can be used exclusively by MarsEdit to connect to your blog. Application passwords can typically be managed in the admin interface […]

TLS Version Errors

MarsEdit users who have not updated to MarsEdit 4 may encounter an error while trying to connect to blog servers that have been configured to require newer versions of TLS, the protocol that is used to create secure HTTPS connections between MarsEdit and your site. Because of the way Apple’s networking infrastructure was designed, macOS […]