Licensing: Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy a license? Most of our apps offer licenses for purchase directly from the Red Sweater Store and from Apple’s Mac App Store. If you are purchasing an app such as MarsEdit that is free to download from the Mac App Store, you can purchase a license in the In-App Purchase window, […]

FastScripts: Finer Points

FastScripts is the super-charged scripting utility for the Mac. Its custom keyboard shortcuts, superior script-running, and intuitive script management features help you get your work done quickly and elegantly. Here we describe some of the less-obvious features offered by the app. Menu Modifier Shortcuts When you get an inclination to edit a script or reveal […]

FastScripts: Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to many common questions about FastScripts. Still have issues? Drop us a line! How Do Application-Specific Scripts Work? FastScripts uses the same cue as Apple’s Script Menu to determine whether a script belongs in the “Application Specific” section of the menu. Any folders inside the “Applications” folder of your “Scripts” folder are […]

MarsEdit 4 and the Mac App Store

Starting with MarsEdit 4, MarsEdit is available as a free download on the Mac App Store. After you download the app, you may unlock a free, 14-day trial from within the app. Just select MarsEdit -> In App Purchaseā€¦, then click the Free Trialā€¦ button in that window. If you decide to purchase MarsEdit 4, […]

MarsEdit Upgrades

If you purchased MarsEdit 4, you are entitled to a discounted or free upgrade to MarsEdit 5. Purchases made on or after June 1, 2022, are entitled to a free upgrade, All other MarsEdit 4 license holders are entitled to upgrade at a discounted price of $29.95. Licenses for MarsEdit 3 and earlier are not […]

Using WordPress with MarsEdit

WordPress is a popular web hosting platform that integratees very well with MarsEdit. Because WordPress is open-source, there are a wide variety of hosting options, and a large community of users who share plugins, themes, and knowledge about the platform. If you are having trouble connecting MarsEdit to your WordPress site, be sure to review […]

WordPress Parsing Errors

If your connection to a WordPress blog is failing with a vague “WordPress XML parser” failure, it probably means that something is interfering with your blog’s ability to decode the messages that MarsEdit is sending to it. There are a few common causes for this problem: Conflicting Plugins. If your blog is self-hosted, you might […]

WordPress Hosting

Many MarsEdit customers choose to host their blogs with WordPress. Because WordPress is open-source software, there are many ways to run it on a server, ranging from the eponymous hosting service, to other commercial hosts, to installing the software yourself on a shared or dedicated hosting service. Fully Hosted Solutions Fully hosted solutions take […]

Blogger Configuration

As of January, 2020, MarsEdit does not support publishing to Customers with existing Blogger configurations may be able to migrate authentication information from one Mac to another using these instructions. This should be considered a short-term workaround. MarsEdit added support for Google’s way back in 2007, but in recent years Google’s support for […]

Tumblr Configuration

These details pertain to the higher level Manual Configuration instructions. Please review that article and use the specific details obtained by the instructions below to finish connecting MarsEdit to your blog. Tumblr supports a variety of post kinds, in addition to regular text entries. When creating a new entry for your Tumblr blog, you can […]